Can humans say the largest prime number before we find the next one?

Current progress: 0.267%

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What is this?

We're attempting to get a collection of humans to say every digit of the newly-discovered (and currently largest-known prime number) Mersenne prime M136279841, and hope to achieve this before another larger prime is discovered.

How can I help?

Step 1: Claim your chunk of the fresh new Mersenne Prime

Step 2: SAY THE PRIME!!! Record yourself reading your 419 digit chunk: it'll take around 3 and a half minutes.

Step 3: Upload your video to YouTube (note: please make sure it's listed as 'not for kids', or else we won't be able to add it to a playlist)

Step 4: Come back here and tell us the video link!

Then we will add your video to a monumental playlist, creating an unbroken chain of humans speaking this 41-million-digit-long prime out loud for the first (and probably last) time in human history!

None of us can do it alone, but together we can achieve pointless, nerdy things.

That is, unless... the folks at find a new, even bigger Mersenne prime before we can do this.

Click here to SAY THE PRIME! View the leaderboard of contributors

FAQ and Guidance

What's this about a new prime number?

Ayliean can explain in this video:

What's the point of this?


How should I film my video?

It's up to you, be creative, we'd love some interesting backgrounds! Here are a few tips that will help:

Does my face need to be in the video?

Nope, it's your face, you do what you want with it! As long as you can clearly be heard saying your digits, it's all good.

Can other people join me in the video?

Absolutely - as long as someone is saying the prime, and we have a record of it on video, that's fine. Please make sure anyone else who features in your video has given permission for it to be posted on YouTube before you do!

What speed should I say the digits?

We recommend 120bpm, which is 2 digits per second. That way it will take you about 3.5 mins to say your chunk. But whatever speed feels comfortable to you, go at your own pace!

Isn't that a lot of digits to say in one go?

We're aware it's likely that if you're reading out a long string of digits like this, you're likely to slip up or say a wrong digit. Mistakes are a very human feature, but as long as you correct it and carry on, they're fine - we just need evidence of humans having said the whole prime, not necessarily in one go. You can watch your video back through before submitting to check it's ok. If you want to edit together multiple clips to make your video, that's also fine!

Do I have to Say the Prime in English?

Not at all! While the team organising the project are based in the UK, and many of the videos will be in English, yours can be in your own language if you prefer (spoken or signed!) - as long as we have evidence that the prime has been said, it's up to you.

Where do I upload my video?

Put your video on your own YouTube channel and it will be added to the SayThePrime channel's playlist.

Your video can be unlisted if you do not want it to appear on your own channel, as long as we have the link and are able to show it in our playlist. Please note: you need to mark your video as 'Not for kids', or else we won't be able to add it to a playlist.

Has anyone actually asked these questions?

No, this was a preemptive FAQ, but if you have any question that have not been covered so far then please get in touch!

Who did this?

This project is run by Ayliean, Katie Steckles and Matthew Scroggs. If you want to support them and help them to do other stupid projects in the future, you can join their Finite Group patreon.